Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Nacho Libre

Okay so everyone reading will probably think I'm a complete weirdo... Oh well!! I love this movie, and I always watch it. If any of you out there haven't you should. Everything about this movie is hilarious... (in a weird sort of way). Anyway this part cracks me up every time, me and my family use the lines throughout our days 24/7. NoooowayHosay! Got to love Jack Black!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I really want to get these in Red, but they don't have them in my size anywhere! Ugh.. so annoying because I really LOVE them! Such cool flats for everyday wear.

New Favourite

Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm Bad

Okay I have been so bad.... my excuse, I don't think I have one! Sorry everyone, will be making it up to you :)